
Marjorie A. Buettner...


Last Day of Summer

There is a peace which emanates from the trees today down by the lake, giving off a palpable sense of serenity just as we, while breathing, give off to plants that carbon dioxide which saves. We breathe in this peace, this serenity; it is a gift given at the end of the day when the work is done and the birds are still and the lake--a placid presence--shudders off and on with the bubbles of fish breaking the surface. It is here when the when of now becomes an open field full of sunflowers facing the summer sun. And it is here where the open wound heals, the breaking heart closes and the
distance which separates unites . . .

as if I could touch you once again . . . last day of summer

WHCHaibun 2009-09-22

Copyright Marjorie Buettner, 2009